The success of our future is in the hands of our youth as they are the future leaders of our Ummah. They will be the next generation of Imams, Scholars, Dayees, Teachers, Doctors, Engineers, Artists and Entrepreneurs. They are the ones who will be teaching Tawheed, the essence of our religion, to their children, families, neighbours & friends. To fulfill these important roles in a complex society we require strong ground in ilm (Knowledge) and Amal (actions).

Why Peace Islamic School

All of us try to fulfill  all the need of our children and provide them the best of foods, clothing, and shelter. To give them the best education, so that they may become “successful” individuals, we admit them to the “best” of the schools. Will our children be successful in both Duniya {present world} and Akhirah {Life after Death} by attending these “best” schools. In most of these “best” schools our children are forced to say prayers which have worlds full of “Shirk.” We have to admit that many things taught in these schools will neither benefit us in this life nor in the hereafter but in fact may harm the “Eeman” and “Aqeedah” of our innocent children. Children spend most of their productive time in school. If we send them to Non-Islamic environment where their friends discus boyfriends and movies, it is possible that in spite of our best efforts at home our children may get affected by these wrong trends and influences right in front of our eyes! It like pushing our children into a muddy puddle and still wishing that they don’t get dirty!


Peace Islamic School believes that being a Muslim is synonymous with excellence in every aspect. To that end, academic excellence is expected and pursued as part of our religious duties, Peace Islamic School encourages independence & strives for excellence. We provide top of the line materials & textbooks to advance the knowledge of our students beyond their grade level. We promote high standards of learning.

At Peace Islamic School, we aim:

  • To provide excellent quality education in Islamic atmosphere.
  • To teach students all the formal subject according to the need of the hour e.g. English, Mathematics, Computer, Science, History,
    Geography etc.
  • To teach students Qur’an, Seerah, Hadith, Islamic civilisation, Arabic Language and Moral Principles by outstanding educators.
  • To teach students various other skills like Public Speaking, Personality, Development Programs (PDP) etc. within the limit of Islamic Shariah, to confidently face modern world.
  • To teach Moral & Uswah (Pattern of Conduct) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to prevail universal brotherhood.
  • To stimulate a spirit of enquiry to gain more knowledge and skills that enrich the students’ lives.
  • To develop symbiosis of Science, Technology and Spirituality.
  • To provide English speaking atmosphere for students to survive around the globe.
  • Prohibit all Non-Islamic, bad activities of the era inside the campus.
  • Utmost Discipline.

Our Special Features

  • English as the medium of instruction.
  • Arabic, Urdu and Hindi as compulsory languages.
  • Fully dedicated, sincere, laborious and qualified teachers for all subjects.
  • Teacher students ratio 1:12 to provide maximum individual attention on each and every student for better results.


Formal Subjects

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Urdu
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Computer
  • General Knowledge
  • E.V.S

Islamic Subjects

  • Arabic Language
  • Hifz-e-Quran
  • Islamic Studies

                  Quran Studies

                  Hadith Studies

  • Tajweed & Qiraat
  • Moral Studies
  • Dawah & Islaah