Our Beliefs

The success of our future is in the hands of our youth as they are the future leaders of our Ummah. They will be the next generation of Imams, Scholars, Dayees, Teachers, Doctors, Engineers, Artists and Entrepreneurs. They are the ones who will be teaching Tawheed, the essence of our religion, to their children, families, neighbours and friends. To fulfill these important roles in a complex society we require strong ground in ilm (Knowledge) and Amal (actions).​

At Peace Islamic English School, we take the responsibility to create a learning environment that instills a strong foundation and a good Islamic character in each student that will then allow them to gain the education needed for success in both the worlds (InshaAllah).

Peace Islamic English School ensures to provide children modern education in an Islamic atmosphere so that the children become responsible, disciplined and contributing members of the society while preserving their religious identity. So that our children become the ambassadors of peace, enjoining what is right & forbidding what is wrong.
An Islamic environment is a means for children to acquire and deeply internalize Islamic teachings and principles. A strong Islamic identity is a crucial survival tool in a society where so many trends and modes are opposed to Islamic teachings.

We encourage independence of thought, creativity, respect for others and a sense of responsibility for one’s own action.
We recognize that it is important to be able to set and achieve personal goals; plan, implement and evaluate decisions; develop self-esteem; manage stress, and cope with change and conflict. These are essential self-management skills that underline a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Through classroom interaction, sports, recreational and other physical activities, students imbibe and practice these skills.
Effective interpersonal skills are also essential for participation in meaningful and fulfilling relationships in family, school, recreation, work and community contexts. Interpersonal skills such as effective communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, cooperation and leadership enable students to act responsibly and contribute effectively in every sphere. Training in these areas is integral to our curriculum.