From The Desk Of Principal


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahhi wa Barkatahu

It has been fantastic to see everyone back after the Summer break. I hope everyone is feeling rested and ready for a year full of excitement, challenges and success. I have really enjoyed meeting our newcomers and welcome our existing students and families as well! It’s been a joyful start to the school year and the process of trying to learn nearly 100 new names has begun. I appreciate their fearless and unhesitating attitude.

Peace has a strong tradition of supportive, hard-working parents. Throughout the year parents have the opportunity, to develop that partnership in a wide variety of ways . Administrators and teachers everywhere recognize the important contributions parents make towards a child’s success in school. “Success at school begins at home”. Parents themselves are the single most important variable in a child’s schooling. Parents portray both a silent and spoken language in front of their children everyday.

This month had bloomed with the mix of Ramadan and charity week, which is always a decisive part of PEACE. To serve our community in a better way, charity week has always given us a chance to aid the ones in need. Starting from “Za;kah Collection Day”, “Tuck Shop Day”, “visiting the under privileged”and of course not to forget “Eid party with Ummi”, we have a lot of events planned for the month of June & July 2016.

Moms are magnificent. To help celebrate all the things these wonderful women do, every year we celebrate Eid with the Peaceian mothers. A lot of games and activities are held especially for them. But besides the euphoria of celebration, the day is meant to make mothers feel special. Our intention is to shed light on the role of these multi-tasker called mother and to bring her out of her heels by giving her an opportunity to enhance her hidden talents. All together we have carved yet another unforgettable structure to be cherished in the years to come.