
ADMISSION OPEN for the session 2024-25

We would like to thank for the interest that you have shown in Peace Islamic English School. We feel immense pleasure and honour that you have spared few moments out of your hectic schedule to know more about our school. We would like to furnish the required details and assist you in the admission process efficiently.

The School has already commenced its Offline Mode of education.  The doors of Peace Islamic English School has been reopened since 4th April 2024, for dear people and members.

Accordion Content

We are a faith-based primary school for boys and girls. We promote fundamental Indian values and welcome applications from all faiths. We began in April,2015 with 102 boys and girls from Montessori to Grade 1. Each year we add a grade and now in 2018-19 we have learners from Nursery to grade 4. We have grown by leaps and bounds, Alhumdulillah. Our incredible team is committed, caring and professional in all that they do. This is highly visible at Peace due to a unique fact about Peace. And what’s unique is that majority of our team members have their own children studying at Peace. This establishes a pastoral care system and makes our team all the more passionate and caring. This fact also assures you that at Peace, almost all your concerns as Peaceian parents are discussed and resolved by our parent-teachers even before the thought of addressing them to us crosses your mind. Our school is run by the parents of the school. From the top management to the teachers, we are all parents with our children studying at Peace, Alhumdulillah. This guarantees our passion which transforms into quality. Peace’s pastoral care system is strong and focused on our children, with strong emphasis on clear and open communication with parents and guardians. Our team is always one step ahead because they are all researching extensively and they challenge themselves at everything they do to raise our school’s standards. Due to this uniqueness in everything we do, Peace can never be compared with any other school. We challenge ourselves beyond our capacity and set our own unique standards. Hence, we are in competition with none. Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point only and no further, but cooperation and collaboration, which are the things we must strive for today in our communities, begin where competition leaves off and this is what we strive to inculcate in our staff and students.

Why Peace Islamic School

All of us try to fulfill all the need of our children and provide them the best of foods, clothing, and shelter. To give them the best education, so that they may become “successful” individuals, we admit them to the “best” of the schools. Will our children be successful in both Duniya {present world} and Akhirah {Life after Death} by attending these “best” schools. In most of these “best” schools our children are forced to say prayers which have worlds full of “Shirk.” …….[read more]

Our Beliefs

The success of our future is in the hands of our youth as they are the future leaders of our Ummah. They will be the next generation of Imams, Scholars, Dayees, Teachers, Doctors, Engineers, Artists and Entrepreneurs. They are the ones who will be teaching Tawheed, the essence of our religion, to their children, families, neighbours and friends. To fulfill these important roles in a complex society we require strong ground in ilm (Knowledge) and Amal (actions)…….[read more]

What Distinguishes Us

Peace Islamic English School, by the grace of Allah, is a school with a unique feature of imparting modern education in an Islamic atmosphere. Peace Islamic English school is born out of ideology that only worldly academic education is not sufficient for our ultimate success but we should be able to win best in this Duniya (World) and in the Akhirah (Hereafter) acquire ‘Jannat-ul-Firdaus’.

InshaAllah (ameen)…[read more]

Events & Activities

Annual Seminar

It has been fantastic to see everyone back after the Summer break. I hope everyone is feeling rested and ready for a year full of excitement, challenges and success. I have really enjoyed meeting our newcomers and welcome our existing students and families as well! It’s been a joyful start to the school year and …

Annual Seminar Read More »


We are a faith-based primary school for boys and girls. We promote fundamental Indian values and welcome applications from all faiths. We began in April,2015 with 102 boys and girls from Montessori to Grade 1. Each year we add a grade and now in 2018-19 we have learners from Nursery to grade 4. We have …

Activities Read More »


We are a faith-based primary school for boys and girls. We promote fundamental Indian values and welcome applications from all faiths. We began in April,2015 with 102 boys and girls from Montessori to Grade 1. Each year we add a grade and now in 2018-19 we have learners from Nursery to grade 4. We have …

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Explore The Power of education


Annual Day Videos

An Annual Cultural Extravaganza by Students of Peace Islamic English School

Parents Reviews

Total Students
Qualified Staff

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